Our purpose in Youth Ministry is to encourage, mentor and equip our youth in developing their relationship with God and to hear God’s calling to serve their community and the world. As our youth grow in their faith, we strive to equip them to articulate what they believe and live it out each day with integrity and love.


Middle School
(6th-8th Grade)

Wednesday 6:00-7:15pm

Middle School students and their parents meet weekly, growing together in their faith and in their relationships. Exploration of faith is our focus as parents and students build an important foundation for the teen years.

Contact Pastor Rob: pastorrob@newheightslc.org

High School
(9th-12th Grade)

Weekly Youth Group:
Sunday 6:00-7:30pm

Youth Group is a weekly time for High Schoolers to gather and connect; reflect on the triumphs and challenges of their week; and experiment, challenge, and grow their faith. It is a time for fun, excitement, and praise, while also being a safe space for youth to be their authentic selves and build intentional relationships with their peers. Every week there will be games, snacks, and a time for deepening their relationship with God.

Contact Kaia Wedig:

Praise and Prayer

On the second Sunday of each month, there will be a Praise & Prayer Worship for all ages, starting at 7pm. On those nights, there will be no regular youth group; all youth are encouraged to attend this contemporary style of worship!

Check back for new options & schedules!

General Events

Youth Events and Service Projects

Both Middle School and High School Youth take part in youth events, retreats and service projects throughout the year. Each provide an opportunity to connect, deepen relationships with God and one another, and learn how they can shine their light in this world!

See our Info and Forms page to sign up for our upcoming Youth Events!
New Heights church youth distribute food to people in need outside the churchNew Heights Church youth happily posing while on a city tourNew Heights Church youth group engages in outdoor activities on a sunny dayNew Heights Church youth wear 'God's Work Our Hands' printed t-shirtsYouth group members at New Heights Church use watermelons for a fun activityNew Heights Church youth pose for a photo with paint rollers, smilingYouth group members at New Heights Church show off their matching  'God's Work Our Hands' t-shirtsYouth group members at New Heights Church show off their creative skills in a photoNew Heights Church youth smile for a group photoNew Heights Church youth sits on graffiti wallYouth group member at New Heights Church helps paint a room