Classes & Events

Our various education opportunities and special events are community resources designed with three of our values in mind: Inclusivity, Relationships, and Growth. Inclusivity: Our programs aim to be affordable and diverse. Relationships: Our programs are centered on building connections among all ages. Growth: Our programs focus on stimulating learning and new skills within individuals.

Education and Events (Upcoming features)

Safety Series

With a goal of connecting the WI Heights Community to existing safety resources and knowledge, the Grove “Safety Series” is a new collaborative local effort to provide a FREE learning opportunity each month. Target audiences vary pending the local resource and content focus. Refreshments included with every course!

Lead a Program

Are you open to sharing a passion of yours with the community? Do you have an education or event idea that could help people to Gather, Connect, and Thrive? Part of connecting with this community is blessing others with your unique abilities and insight! Use the resources below to get started!

Class Proposal Form (Print & Digital)
Instructor Handbook

Not ready to teach, but want to help? See our Volunteer Opportunities at The Grove!